Sunday, February 20, 2011

Spectre and Alpha Trooper :(

Hey guys,
I was literally that close to getting a spectre and aplha trooper this week. If you don't already know what the situation is in Australia then you've missed out on like a fifth of your 'Nerf Education' :P. Not really, but seriously, there is like a never-ending supply of Vulcan's and Stampede's and Recons are almost as common. In a normal Target or K-mart or Big-W etc. there's all of the above and a night finder and maybe even a maverick if you're lucky. I've rarely seen longstrike's and only ever had one chance at buying a Longshot(which i used well, of course). In the past few months, a lot of Target shops I've been in have had shelf tags for Spectre's and A.T's but nothing on the shelves, extremely dissapointing :(. I should also mention that recently, Barricades seem to have sprung up popping up in most K-marts and Targets, but, never-the-less, there you have it, the unacceptable situation regarding stocks of Nerf Guns in Australia.
'till next time. Bye.

1 comment:

  1. never knew that there was a new Nerf gun called the "aplha trooper"
